Amateurfunk - HAM info
TA3 - 30.September 2019 QCX Challenge 13:00 / 19:00 / 03:00 Sessions
SRI when I write a bit not so well's not my native language.
Try today to participate on the QCX Callenge which is held last Monday every Month.
13:00-14:00 UTC, 19:00-20:00 UTC, 03:00-04:00 UTC.
Here in TA3 localtime 16-17 / 22-23 / 06-07
QRG: 14 060 / 7 030 / 3 560
30.9.2019 - 1.Session 13:00-14:00
Punctual I was QRV. Just the first QSO with a QCX-QCX to England. Good start.
Lithuania, Czech.Rep, Russia, Russia(2.), Lithuania (2.), Germany-QCX, Belgium.
The two Russian where so loud - nearly pain in my ears...
I have heard a M2?? Calling but it was too weak. Also vy good heard the F5JYS/QRP but he could not read me.
Result was 8 QSO include the 2 QCX-QCX = 1*6 + 2*3 = 12.
I had big problems with the build in keyer. It seems the CPU is not able to serve all in clean timing. SRI for the lot of mistakes I made...
Next session I use a homebrew keyer (with the chip K16). I tested this now with them and this works well.
Valdas LY2BNL has sent me an audio file from my transmission in the QSO. Many thank's Valdas.
I was relatively clear to read.
30.9.2019 - 2.Session 19:00-20:00
Yes QRV, first few Minutes 20m but very quiet nothing to hear. Called few times. Seems the condx are gone.
Then changed to the X1M with ZS6BKW. First nothing some stations up and down.
Then a QSO with YL2LW but I do not know wether he had my callsign clear.
After more stations to hear, DK6SX, DF7IH, DG4DZ, ON5UK, SP3DGV but I could not reach them. It was also much more QRN in the air, and the X1M is away from the QCX for receiving. Also the ZS6BKW maybe not so for QRP. ... uff - I take all back...during writing this ..I hear the PY1FR from Brazil calling on 7 030. - Anyway want to become a QCX 40m owner..
1.10.2019 - 3.Session 03:00-04:00
Yeah I got up full enthusiasmus...this time with X1M (3-4 Watts) on ZS6BKW for 40m.
First heard - band was empty. So I called and called on 7030.
Short after 03:00 I've seen me in Twente SDR. After no more.
I always called and was on Reverse Beacon listed - in Estonia (check the Date/Time on the RBN list) - so the Skip to north was OK.
Abt 03:45 suddently opends the Band. I have seen me again on Twente (see picture).
I heard EA6NB from Balearic Island, an IK3.. but they di'nt hear me.
Suddently got an aswer from OK2GER .. but after first exchange no more answer.
Then 03:52 came UR7QC back with a strong signal from Ukraine. Vlad gave 579 for me.
OK - final this was the QSO.
Btw: Just ordered the 40m QCX....