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Baer Hunter session 2023

Amateurfunk - HAM info

*** QRP ***

This part is my QRP room.
Here I will publish Links to other QRP contents within my web.
Additional here all other stuff abt QRP - what I've done, planning, disasters and success.

Why ? - QRP is funny !

Links to my QRP tranceiver (same page):

2013 - HB-1B Youkits 80/40/30/20m 5 Watts
2014 - PFR-3 Kit 40/30/20m
2014 - X1M all Band
2015 - QRP Plus 
2018 - RS-918 all Band 10 W
2018 - QCX-20m/40m 5 Watt
2019 - uBITX all Band 10 Watt

Where I use which Tranceiver:
I started with the KX3 first QSO from Baltic Sea when I was sailing with a fellow.
Then I used the PFR-3 and HB1-B mostly for SOTA.
2018 I got the RS-918 and was using them with the PFR-3 for SOTA.
The QCX has until now no case - I am now preparing them. I use them now in TA3 and have used them in SV8 from Sailing ship.
In autum 2018 I ordered the first QCX. Unfortunally the kit did not arrived before I leaved to EA8. I took them with me 2019 and assemled them in July 2019. Since them I am a fan of QRP. Makis SV8AJN the head of the Group SZ8LES got a kit named uBITX. 2019 I was in shack by Makis and I played around with the uBITX. Short, I decided also to build one, with additional enhancements. The Items are now ordered and I will them take with me to EA8 where I assemble them. Also assembling I will the two other QCX 20/40m. Especially designed cases for the uBITX and for my (four) QCX I will prepare and put them into the cases.
From Fred HB9DAX I had the tip for the Club72. First with this club I participaded in the SV-QRP-Marathon 2018.

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